The ACR is looking for Measure Testers to validate the need to develop Merit-based Incentive Payment (MIPS) for radiologists.
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Participate in the Closing the Results Follow-Up Loop Measure Development Project
Currently, under development, the Closing the Results Follow-Up Loop Measure Set will undergo testing for validity and reliability. The measure set will be included in the ACR National Radiology Data Registry’s (NRDR) General Radiology Improvement Database (GRID). Under the Moore Foundation’s measure development award and to support the measures’ potential use in accountability programs like those of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS), ACR must acquire testing data that demonstrate that they can be successfully implemented into programs according to their specified measurement level (e.g., physician, group, facility, or system level). The Closing the Results Follow-Up Loop measure development and NRDR teams invite current GRID users and others to serve as measure testers to begin reporting data on the new quality measures as soon as they become available.
If you would like to learn more about this measure testing opportunity or to sign up to become a measure testing facility, please visit and register.